10.0 汉语普通话,粤语 · 2019 · 中国大陆,中国香港 · 动作片
云修(马可 饰)是一名不温不火的小演员,个性耿直的他遭到了好友谢颐(纳瓦·君拉纳拉 Nawat Kulrattanarak)的陷害,于车祸之中差点丢掉了性命。神秘人的出现不仅挽回了云修的性命,还使他得到了一张完美无缺的英俊脸庞。 改头换面的云修隐姓埋名,决心向谢颐复仇,封景(徐海乔 饰)成为了他的经纪人。在封景的运筹帷幄之下,云修和名为褚风(苏航 饰)的练习生组成了搭档,并且凭借着一部超人气偶像剧一夜成名。褚风并没有表面看上去的那么单纯善良,只是这一次,云修不会再被表象蒙蔽。在漫长而又艰辛的复仇之路上,云修起起落落,既有春风得意的无限风光,亦有失魂落魄的谷底时光,但是云修知道,自己一定要珍惜的,是那个无论风风雨雨都一直陪伴在身边的她。
8.0 · 2015 · 大陆 · 连续剧
Plot of the series: In the series “Catherine Season 4 Favorites,” the reign of the Great Empress of Russia, Catherine Alekseevna II, continues. The events take place in 1779, when the queen has been on the throne for seventeen years and has reached the peak of her greatness. Her fame spread not only to neighboring countries, but throughout Europe. Such a nickname as “Great” was assigned to her by the high society of Europe, thanks to the efforts of the influential Princess Dashkova, who was always devoted to Catherine II.